Nicholas Battis

Data Clouds 2, 2020

Acrylic on canvas, 36” 30”

Threads 2, 2020

Acrylic on canvas, 48” x 40”

Nicholas Battis is a Brooklyn-based painter who explores color, nature, process, the built environment and the digital age in his work. His career in the arts is been multifaceted including art-making, curating, and consulting with a long commitment as Director of Exhibitions for his alma mater Pratt Institute.

“My paintings reference networks, computers, and contemporary architecture. I am interested in preserving the creative struggle, history of mark-making, and accidents by layering transparent color, thin paint blown with compressed air, and drips that all overlap to form a matrix-like web that alludes to data, social networks, and fantasy worlds.”

Instagram: nicholas.battis


Rapid Prototype, 2020

Acrylic on canvas, 33.5” x 55”