joan ryan

Chicken Little the Sky Is Falling, 2023

oil, 54” x 50”

Two Sisters, 2024

oil, 45” x 39”

Joan Ryan is an artist whose work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. Receiving grants from the Massachusetts Cultural Council, Puffin Foundation, George Sugarman Foundation, National Endowment for the Arts, Lillian Orlowsky and Willian Freed Grant from the Provincetown Art Museum.  She was Artist in Residence at DADA Post, Berlin Germany.

“As a visual artist, I use painting and drawing as a critical language, exploring contemporary society, politics, and concepts of identity in our modern world. Recently, works incorporate a wide variety of images, pictorial elements of place combined with historical imagery, cartoons, childhood fairy tales, and political iconography.”

Instagram: @jryan789


Picnic by the Wall, 2023

oil, 45” x 40”